The safety of your family is very important to us. These kits are designed for 5yrs and older, both for safety and for ability.  Adult supervision is strongly recommended. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us: mixeduppets@gmail.com

Important Safety and Care Info

  • Mixed-Uppets are NOT suitable for small children (3 & under)
  • We recommend ages 5 and up, with ADULT SUPERVISION.
  • WARNING- Small Parts Choking Hazard. Keep out of reach of small children and pets.
  • All parts are non-toxic, but do NOT eat.
  • Keep away from flame, extreme heat.
  • Fabric can be spot washed, but cannot go into the washing machine.
  • Keep out of rain, bathtub, pool etc.
  • Mixed-Uppets are intended for creative play. Depending on the glue used to assemble them, they will not withstand "rough and tumble" play.
  • If using a hot glue gun, adult supervision is required. We recommend using a low temp glue gun if your child is doing the gluing. Test glue options for a strong bond. A high quality fabric glue is recommended. The stonger the adhesive, the less child-friendly the glue. Please assist your child with the gluing stage if using a strong adhesive. 

Mixed-Uppets are ideal for creative teaching and learning. How can your child, your school, your club or daycare grow through the Mixed-Uppets experience?

Group packages are available

Contact us at mixeduppets@gmail.com for more information.